Sunday, January 26, 2020

The Process Of Coastal Erosion Environmental Sciences Essay

The Process Of Coastal Erosion Environmental Sciences Essay Coastal erosion is a natural process in which sand and rocks are dislodged from the shoreline by various eroding agents. Wave erosion is one of the major eroding agents which erode the beaches by breaking the rocks. In coastal erosion land is permanently and completely shifted from one region to another. The intensity of erosion along a beach is influenced by how hard a wave hits it; the intensity of the wave depends on tides and the water density. Coast erosion usually affects most people that live along the coastline and also the marine organisms that have their habitats along estuaries, bays and very shallow parts of the ocean water. Discussion Many coastline are facing rampant coastal erosion and mostly in the Atlantic and gulf where erosion percentages are about 6% per year. Many coastlines within the United States of America have been affected by coastal erosion and in our study today we will concentrate on the coastal erosion in Louisiana specifically along the Mississippi river. Wetlands within the United States are declining at a very fast rate in the past 200 years, this because of the increase in the natural evolutionary processes and also some human activities such as dredging. The wetlands within Louisiana are vast and wide as they extend to about 130 kilometers inland and 300km onshore. Various wetlands within the U.S.A are in stable conditions but the one in Louisiana if not quickly addressed it will be completely eroded in the next two hundred years (Dunne and Knapp 123). The delta plains within the Mississippi river together with its shorelines have been the recipient of sediment deposition by the river dating back to seven thousand years back. There have been shifts in the course of the Mississippi river which has resulted in the staking of sand and mud which later formed deltas which were abandoned by the changing of the river course. These delta began eroding and degrading reason being the following factors; the subsequent increase in the water level which may have been caused by global warming, bombardment by the loose sediment which may have been deposited and also the reason may have been the sudden occurrence of storms which could have washed away the sand particles which were deposited on the deltas. Other than the above reasons the natural marine processes did erode the margins of the deltas which were seaward leading to the formation of barrier beaches and also sandy headlands. Erosion subsequently continued resulting to the barrier islands which were of low relief and eventually causing separation with the main land by lagoons and shallow bays The erosion of the coastal shorelines in Louisiana has really led to the environmental and economic decline of the region as compared to the past. If urgent measures are not addressed the wetland in Louisiana will be no more. Due to the erosion of the deltas there was formation of barrier islands which acted as buffer zones hence leading to the decline of the ocean wave effects to the surrounding wetland and estuaries. Researchers have come up with findings that tend to explain that if the eroding of the barrier islands continue they will be no more by the climax of this century hence exposing the wetlands to the mighty force of marine processes which include; tidal power, transportation of sediments, wave action and the intrusion of salinity. These marine processes will therefore lead to the degrading of the wetlands. Coastal erosion which is also known as shoreline retreat can cause a lot of economic losses since the following sectors are adversely affected and they include ; agric ulture, tourism which to some countries is the main source of income, fishing and shipping as harbors are also affected (Finkl and Khalil 206). In Louisiana there are oil refineries and energy production sites and therefore through coastal erosion such activities are hampered and disrupted. In certain estimation by economists it was noted that if oil refineries in Louisiana were to be hampered for three continuous weeks then the countryà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s economy could suffer a setback of three hundred thousand jobs and also the loss of over one billion dollars. In a study conducted by waldemar nelson he states that if the coastal erosion is not corrected then the following economic conditions are likely to be affected: the transportation of oil and gas may be disrupted, navigation will also be hampered as erosion will make it difficult to navigate through the Mississippi river, commercial fishing may be hampered and some recreational activities like surfing may be affected. These are the direct impacts that may accrue as a result of coastal erosion. In a study conducted by Richardson and Scott they stated that coast erosion will impact a lot in the general economy of the United States of America. They further stated that there will be loss of jobs, decline in the household earnings and some of the business transitions of economy may be affected if the coastal erosion continues to disrupt industries in Louisiana. These are the indirect challenges that Louisiana may face as a result of the coastal erosion. Louisiana has had a decline in its wetlands for the past thirty years or so due to this a body of experts was formed to address this problem. This body was known as coastal wetlands planning, protection and restoration act which was made up of a task force whose responsibility was to keenly monitor, implement and design the conservation of the coast and also they were to make a follow up of the restoration projects that were being undertaken (Limnological Society of Southern Africa 81). For the purpose of their duties these task force were u fed with the high resolution and colored photographs of the region which were usually taken through aerial photography. These photographs enabled them to monitor the restoration progress and this was to continue for a period of twenty years. This taskforce always submitted a report of its findings and restoration projects to the congress. The projects to be undertaken were usually ranked regarding their costs and the benefits that were to be acqu ired from it. There is a formula which was used in accessing the benefits and ità ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s calculated through a methodology which is usually known as the wetland value assessment. Every year restoration projects were to be done and they include; restoration of the hydrology, protection of the shoreline, restoration of the barrier island, diversions of sediments, marsh management, proper use the material which is dredged, introduction of fresh water, planting vegetation and trapping of nutrients and sediments. A special body was established to monitor the progress and effectiveness of the projects. In the restoration of the coastal erosion in Louisiana the project needed an approximate of five hundred billion dollars to one billion dollar. These amounts were to assist in the protection of Louisiana against hurricane attacks (Morton 08). It is noted that it is not nature alone that is to be blamed on the degradation and destruction of wetlands in Louisiana but also the human activities which have been taking place in the Mississippi river delta. The following are some of the activities; there has been construction of levees which were designed to channel the riversà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ waters two thousand kilometers inland hence leading to the transportation of sediments which were deposited far from the coast. This sediment was of importance as they usually nourished the wetlands. Another human activity that has degraded the coast was the dredging of canals which were to be used in the facilitating of hydrocarbon exploration and its production, these led to the intrusion of salty water to the wetland from the Gulf of Mexico. Finally the drainage of water into the wetland so as to give room for development and agriculture has led to the loss and subsequent deterioration of the wetland (Finkl and Khalil 187). There are various ideas which have been put forward to address the problem of erosion of the Barrier Island and wetlands. Some of the ideas include; the restoration of the coast through the nourishment of the barrier island, sand and other materials that were dredged to be distributed to the wetlands, some other people state that a new navigation channel to be created so as to allow the delta plains to proceed normally with their erosion. These ideas still have their pros and cons as they still affect some communities, some interests in agriculture and also the petroleum and oil industry. There are various engineering solutions which are very expensive to implement for instance building of breakwaters so as to prevent the full force of the waves from hitting the wetland and also building of breakwaters. This idea is viable but it is very costly. The only way curb this problem is by understanding how wetlands and barrier islands change or evolve. Various coordinated studies are showing how the nature intended both the wetland and barrier island to work. Therefore in the planning process the researchers should take into consideration how they evolve rather than going contrary to Mother Nature. Some studies are also trying to examine the possibilities of replacing sediments with very fine grained sediments. All this are very good and attainable ideas but up to date all the engineering actions performed are still fruitless (Dunne and Knapp 128). .

Saturday, January 18, 2020

A look into history Essay

What would constitute a period in history called a â€Å"Golden Age†? Would the prosperity seen and felt by people make the description adequate? Would a greater sense of freedom in the regions of the world fit the description? How can we describe a â€Å"Golden Age†? In the years of the so-called â€Å"Golden Era†, from 1950-1973, the world saw an unprecedented rise in term of growth, with global averages reaching 4. 9 percent in the period of national Keynesianism (Monthly Review). This period, however, was not an isolated one (Institute of Industrial Relations). The period with the highest national growth rate, from 1935-1950, after an expansion in the previous economic period, 1918-1935, the distance between the two ends of the income distribution became smaller (IRI). Families of workers tried to adjust the loss of distance from the black community by downsizing in terms of number of additions to the family and the use of utilities (IRI). But in order for us to fully grasp the meaning why this period in time is called the Golden Age, we have to frame it beside two other growth periods, one before the age and the one just after it. It must be also noted if there were changes in the period that contributed to the growth of the succeeding growth periods. Before the Golden Age Families in the United States used to see how they have progressed through the years by taking a peek at their family albums, remembering the early years of their parents’ hard life (Bob Davis & David Wessel). During the years of the Age, almost every tier of American life had been extended the benefit of a upbeat and climbing standard of living (Davis & Wessel). But again, we must peek farther than the time before this period of unprecedented growth. In the past two centuries the world has seen an era of unhampered growth (Bart van Ark). In the years between 1820 and 1997, the gross domestic product around the world rose at around 2. 2 percent on the average (van Ark). This growth rate was around seven times the growth the world experienced from the preceding period, from 1500to 1820 (van Ark). But as time wore on, the disparity between the recipients of that high growth rate become more and more separated (van Ark). The world’s growth rate accelerated in 1870, and again at the beginning of the Golden Age, in 1950 (van Ark). Since the growth of the world’s economy grew in that time frame, it is not ti be understood that everyone benefited from that growth in equal shares (van Ark). Great Britain, one of the leading powers during the era, learned very well from the lessons of the founder of the capitalist system, Adam Smith (Robert L. Bartley). Smith blieved that raising the economic bar could only be done by practising free and open market principles, that traders and merchants interacting with the consumers will lead to a better share of the economic benefits (Bartley). Agnus Maddison, widely regarded as one of the premier authorities on long-term growth, gives us some insights into the growth engines at the time (Daniel Ben-Ami). In his studies, Maddison points to the year 1820 as one the more impotant inflection periods in the study of the world’s growth (Bartley). Global GDP per capita hadd increased from $420 dollars (1990 value) to about $545 by about the year 1820 (Bartley). The period of 1913-1950 would probably be the most interesting sections of the years before the Golden Age. This period embraces the events of two world wars, the Great Depression, the economic upswing in the 1920’s (Bhanoji Rao), and one of the greatest political and bloody historical events in the modern era, the Bolshevik Revolution (Irma Adelman). Both World War one and two reversed the trends for the unrestrained movement of goods, money and migration of people (Rao). But in developing nations, the effects of these events were not felt as much, thus mirroring the differing aspects of the Wars and the Depression (Rao). In the aftermath of the war, large influential movements had espoused the needs for reform, and the captains in the capitalist end of the world were afraid of a return to the time of the Depression (Crotty). What should be seen however in this time before and after the Industrial Revolution was not the disparity in growth rates (Adelman). What was evident during this time was the degree that events bought leading to worldwide economic insecurity and to the global economic framework as a a whole (Adelman). The initiatives aimed at halting the transfer of the economic downturn led to the adoption of very strict global trading and payment methods (Adelman). As the initiatives took hold, tariffs and other quantity restrictions were soon implemented (Adelman). Tight constraints were implemented for the regulation on the movement of workers and capital (Adelman). The value of many currencies tended to be overvalued (Adelman). Rampant and widespread inflation led to the collapse of international payments (Adelman). This development led to the adoption of extreme government concern as to the stability of prices and foreign exchange as it relates to the level of unemployment (Adelman). Shifting to the Golden Era The march toward the golden age of the world’s growth had been marked by a shift from a market-driven and guided economy to one that was basically a government managed type (James Crotty). The era of the Golden age can be characterized by one of swift and widely distributed growth, having for its foundations an increase of control over quality of the markets dictated by the market and vented through the state (Crotty). Rather than a time of markets being centralized, it was a time rather of the markets being embedded in the society, the state rather than an enforcer taking on the role of a guide (Crotty). Agnus Maddison calculated that the world’s GDP rose to an average of 2. 9 percent, hitting 3. 9 percent in Europe and about 8 percent in the European continent (Bartley). The Second World War had spawned a time of demand that was pent -up during the time of the war, as capital and infrastructure was totally wiped out in Japan and on the Continent (Adelman). The command type of economy that was installed during the war, quickly gave way to the reinstitution of the usual framework of capitalism (Adelman). A great aid in the redevelopment of devastated Europe to get the continent up on its feet was the Marshall Plan (Adelman). With this Plan in place, the capital needs and infrastructure needed to jumpstart the economies of Europe were set in motion (Adelman). It was during this time, as stated earlier, that the world was experiencing a high degree of growth (Ben-Ami). In Japan, the Golden Age and the following decades after, the land of the rising sun was identified with the traits of efficiency and the highest levels of manufacturing standards (Terutomo Ozawa). This was exemplified by the low cost in the production of their automobiles nd electronic products (Ozawa). In Europe, the road to recovery was much simpler (Barry Eichengreen). Europe at the time underwent an almost complete transformation in the way they conducted their lives. In the middle of the century, Europe’s households had heat from burning coal, kept their food fresh with ice, and had no semblance even of basic plumbing. At present, they have gas-fired furnaces for heating, refrigerators to keep their food stuffs, and an endless number of electronic items that will make one dizzy. Incomes of an average European nearly went to three times their value by the turn of the century (Eichengreen). Also, working conditions and hours steadily improved, as time at work was reduced by at least a third, giving a boost to the leisure time of Europeans (Eichengreen). An upswing in the rates of the life expectancy in Europe’s residents was enhanced by new technological discoveries in health accompanied by a parallel advances in nutrition (Eichengreen). But all was not a pretty picture, as one would think. Levels of the ranks of the unemployed rose. Taxes levied on the people increased. The effects of the destruction of the environment, state repression and consumer spending limits were the order of the day under Eastern Europeans’ repressive regimes dominated that part of Europe for the next for decades following World War 2 (Eichengreen). But what made the road to recovery relatively easy for Europe? Europe, for its part, didn’t have to plan anything new for its rebuilding; it just simply rebuilt. Europe just had to rebuild the damaged or destroyed infrastructure, reinvesting in its capital stock, and redeploying the men that were in the war effort to jobs in peacetime efforts (Eichengreen). This â€Å"catch-up† mentality had demonstrated itself in the utilization of technologies that were not yet in the pipeline, so to speak (Eichengreen). These were the technologies that were developed in the period between the wars, and were used by Europe to sustain its economic juggernaut (Eichengreen). But in the 1930’s and 40’s, Europe was thrown into an atmosphere of a depressed investment environment (Eichengreen). It was in this period that the United States gained a bit of a headway against their European counterparts. The Americans had outpaced Europe in terms of overall production and levels of productivity. By using the Americans’ technology, under license, adopting their business philosophies of American mass-production and personnel management, Europe could close the gap on the Americans. Hence was born the concept of â€Å"convergence†, fusing the levels of per capita income and levels of productivity to that of the United States (Eichengreen). But in the generation of wealth, particularly in the aspect of its distribution, not all of Europe could say that they were given an equal share of the pie, so to speak. For example, the northern parts of Europe were gaining faster than their southern counterparts. The same trend went for Western Europe, outpacing Eastern Europe. Eastern Europe’s woes came a failure of the central planning strategy that was common in the authoritarian governments that dominated that part of the continent. Though these are also important features of the Golden Age in Europe, nevertheless the period marked an era of expanded growth and change on the continent (Eichengreen). The economic machine of the Japanese economy, after the brilliant star of its economic achievements faded, had gone from one that was admired to one that was dealt with indifference, even one thrown pity (Ozawa). This was bought about by the virtues of the Japanese to put into secure positions some of the political interests rather than focusing on the real problems that had dogged the nation’s economy (Ozawa). In its early steps to climb out of the destruction wrought upon it in the 2nd World War, Japan had adopted its industry to a road of industrial improvement, moving from low value industrial output, gradually moving up to higher levels of value-added goods (Ozawa). But as the years passed, Japan began to remove the protection it afforded to its industries, essentially preparing them for competition (Ozawa). These industries that were left unsheltered were the ones that are the reason for the current state of the Japanese economy’s morass (Ozawa). Most of the world had been under the Bretton Woods Agreement (Adelman). This agreement was instrumental to the reintroduction to the regime of fixed rate payments, all payments to be based on the value of the dollar (Adelman). This regime was supported by a number of international organizations with the goal of giving some form of flexibility and in the management of foreign exchange inconsistencies (Adelman). After the Golden Era, the period of another growth slowdown was about to rear its head. After the Bubble burst After the Bretton Woods agreement had collapsed and countries and adopted more flexible foreign exchange rates, coupled with the skyrocketing of the price of oil, all these led to the indication that the Golden era was officially over (Rao). This was the era of the â€Å"stagflation† that hit the world in the mid-1970’s (Ben-Ami). The Bretton agreement had become quite inadequate in meeting the liquidity requirements of most nations (Adelman). When the agreement eventually broke down, the system was replaced by a unstable, fluctuating means of foreign exchange (Adelman). The currencies of many countries went through a period of devaluation against the American currency (Adelman). But this was only the precursor of the coming storm. Oil prices had tripled their price in 1974, cereals doubled their prices by 1973, and gold prices doubled in the years of 1971-1973 (Adelman). Other problems were beginning to crop up for the world as the age ended. According to the International Labor Organization in its 1995 report on world unemployment, does not dispute the fact the upswing in the world’s economic standing, but it also emphasizes that the world, after the Golden Era, witnessed its GDP cut in half, and the levels of unemployment had reached levels never before seen or to be even though of during the era (Canadian Auto Workers Union). For this reason, economists divide the era into two parts (CAW). The first 25 years at the turn of the century has been called the â€Å"Golden Era†, the second part is called â€Å"The Age of Permanent Insecurity† (CAW). The effects of the downturn were quite visible. Growth rates had been sliced in half, good jobs were the exception rather than the norm, wages did not go up, surpluses were wiped out and social programs introduced at the end of the golden age, were dismantled at a slow but steady pace (CAW). Within a generation, the rate of growth fell to half its previous level, unemployment rates doubled, and decent jobs became the exception. Real wages stopped growing, budget surpluses turned into chronic deficits, and social programs which were proudly introduced near the end of the first period were dismantled in the second – slowly at first, but then at an accelerating pace (CAW). The labor market in Canada and other industrialized nations also took a hit, as the unemployment rates hit 9 percent in the latter part of the turn of the century, as compared to the 4. 5 percent average registered in the first half (CAW). In the United States, the Federal budget registered a budget surplus from 1946 to 1970 (CAW). In the years following the Golden Era, the Federal government has never once posted a budget surplus (CAW). The Federal government, for every dollar that it allots for programs, it pays about 63 cents of its earnings to pay for the interest of its debt (CAW). The period after the War was one of significant unheralded growth, born out of the combination of several factors (CAW). Among them was the combination of the development of emerging technologies tapped during the War, the retooling of the war time workplace to be reused for peacetime work, reconstruction of the war torn areas of Europe and in Japan, the demand held in check for so long after the Great Depression and the restraints bought on by the war, and the new found competitive situation that it has found with Communist states (CAW). The War had asked from the citizens a great amount of sacrifice, these sacrifices led to the demand for the upgrading for the people’s living conditions, equity and concerns for their security concerns (CAW). These concessions were won over by the labor movement from very jittery corporations (CAW). But how does this relate to the downturn of the Golden Era? After The Golden Era, what happened? The concessions that the workers had gained from the corporations had produced a contradiction for them (CAW). In the case of Japan and Europe, after they had reconstructed from the destruction of the war and had strengthened their economies, was building a contradictory effect for the corporations (CAW). Once the economies were put back on line, the competition of the industrialized countries again began once again on the uptake (CAW). This upswing of the economies of capitalist industries put some amount of pressure on the companies’ profits (CAW). The companies in turn tried all efforts to put up a hedge around their profits (CAW), which companies then transferred these pressures from competition on the workers themselves (CAW). Since the workers felt secure and bold enough to challenge any initiative to be pressured in the workplace, the companies transformed these workers from mainly being employees to consumers, increasing their prices to keep their profit margins (CAW). The workers, feeling the pinch of the higher prices, asked the companies for the increases in their wages to match the increases that the companies imposed (CAW). This initiated the cycle of price escalation (CAW). The price increases had a negative impact on the global competitiveness of the corporations (CAW). As a result of such developments, inflationary pressures set in (CAW). The companies had to find ways to stay viable while contending with the workers, who were becoming hindrances to the company in terms of supervision over the workplace. As such, the companies had to choose, between the companies’ insatiable drive for profit and the needs of the society and the workers, the workers and society lost (CAW). Here is the start of the end of the Golden Era, where the share of the wealth began to be hoarded, rather than shared. Works Cited Adelamn, Irma. â€Å"The genesis of the current global system†. van Ark, Bart. â€Å"Accumulation, productivity and technology: measurement and analysis of long term economic growth†. Bartley, Robert L. † The future of economic freedom†. 2000 October 16. Ben-Ami, Daniel. â€Å"Ferraris for all†. 2007 January 27. Canadian Auto Workers. â€Å"From False solutions to growing protest: recapturing the agenda†. Crotty, James. â€Å"Trading state-led for market led stagnation: from the golden age to global neoliberalism†. Davis, Bob & Wessel, David. â€Å"The Golden Age: the rise of the American middle class†. Eichengreen, Barry. â€Å"The European Economy since 1945†. The New York Times 2007 March 25. Monthly Review. â€Å"Notes from the Editors†. Monthly Review 2007 Septem

Friday, January 10, 2020

Critical Path

Graduate Institute of Construction Engineering and Management, National Central University, No. 300, Jhongda Rd. , Jhongli City, Taoyuan County 32001, Taiwan b R&D Center for Construction Project Management, Chung Hua University, No. 707, Sec. 2, WuFu Rd. , Hsinchu, 300 Taiwan Received 7 February 2010; received in revised form 12 June 2011; accepted 16 June 2011 Abstract Assessing schedule delay's impact on total project duration to distribute delay liability remains a controversy.None of existing delay analysis methods is perfect because including an element of assumptions, subjective assessment and theoretical projection. Windows-based delay analysis methods are excellent in identifying and measuring construction schedule delays. Based on a previous study identifying potential problems in available windows-based delay analysis methods, this study proposes an innovative windows-based delay analysis method, called the effect-based delay analysis method (the EDAM method).The EDAM meth od performs delay analysis using extracted windows and determines delay impacts by considering the effects of delays on the critical path(s). According to its application to hypothetical cases and comparisons with other methods, the EDAM method is efficient in delay analysis and effective in solving concurrent delays and determining schedule shortened. The proposed EDAM method is a good alternative for schedule delay analysis for construction projects.  © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. and IPMA. All rights reserved. Keywords: Delay analysis; Claim; Schedule analysis; Construction project 1.Introduction Construction projects generally have highly complicated situations during execution, involve many project stakeholders and interfaces, and are influenced by many external factors. Therefore, schedule delays in construction projects are common and affect total project duration in unpredictable ways. Delay information and evidence are usually recorded and represented in different records, documen ts and schedules during the construction phase. Selecting a suitable delay analysis method and analyzing delay information accurately are essential tasks in any delayed construction project.Current delay analysis methods analyze delay liabilities based on delay information and evidence. Various analysis methods have been developed, such as global impact, as-planned, impacted as-planned, net ? Corresponding author. Tel. : +886 3 4227151Ãâ€"34040; fax: +886 3 4257092. E-mail address: [email  protected] edu. tw (J. -B. Yang). impact, time impact, collapsing, isolated delay type, snapshot, window analysis and isolated collapsed but-for (Bordoli and Baldwin, 1998; Gothand, 2003; Hegazy and Zhang, 2005; Kim et al. 2005; Mbabazi et al. , 2005; Ng et al. , 2004; Yang and Yin, 2009; Zack, 2001). Farrow (2007) had clearly claimed that none of the delay analysis methodologies is perfect because they all include an element of assumptions, subjective assessment, and theoretical projection. Ge nerally, a delay analysis method attempts to discover delay information derived from as-planned and as-built schedules, those are the bases for resolving delay disputes and claims.However, existing delay analysis methods still have the following shortcomings: (1) concurrent delays cannot be recognized or calculated by some of existing methods; (2) the critical path method cannot be executed in analysis and critical path changes cannot be considered; (3) the relative cost of float consumption is not considered; (4) analysis is not contemporaneous with delay timing; and (5) most methods focus only on the delayed activities, and ignoring the effects of time-shortened activities on total project duration (Arditi and Pattanakitchamroon, 263-7863/$ – see front matter  © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. and IPMA. All rights reserved. doi:10. 1016/j. ijproman. 2011. 06. 003 386 J. -B. Yang, C. -K. Kao / International Journal of Project Management 30 (2012) 385–397 2006; Bordoli and Baldwi n, 1998; Gothand, 2003; Mbabazi et al. , 2005; Ng et al. , 2004; Yang and Yin, 2009). Furthermore, Arditi and Pattanakitchamroon (2006), in discussing how to select a delay analysis method, concluded that selecting a feasible analysis method depends on a variety of factors, including information availability, time of analysis, methodology apabilities, time, funds and effort allocated for analysis. Based on a empirical study in UK, six group factors (project characteristics, contractual requirements, characteristics of baseline program, cost proportionality, timing of the analysis and record availability) influencing the selection of delay analysis methodologies were identified (Braimah and Ndekugri, 2008). In summary, although some advanced delay analysis methods have been developed, including a few commercial systems, existing delay analysis methods cannot satisfy the practical requirements of delay analysis.That is, practitioners still require an alternative method for complex cas es. Windows-based delay analysis methods perform delay analysis according to some extracted time frames, called windows. Traditional windows-based method, the windows analysis method, has been recognized as the most creditable delay analysis method (Gothand, 2003; Kim et al. , 2005). US courts have generally accepted some types of windows-based method, as they can calculate the impact of various delays, namely, the non-excusable delays (NE delays) and excusable delays (ED delays).Based on the viewpoint of a contractor, excusable delays are further divided into excusable compensable delays (EC delays) and excusable non-compensable delays (EN delays) (Zack, 2000; Mohan and Al-Gahtani, 2006). For above delay types, analysis results generated by windows-based methods provide a clear liability allocation to contract parties. This information is valuable for dispute resolution. For a complex construction project, three types of delays (NE, EC and EN delays), might exist simultaneously.Whi le the information for identifying all types of delays is available, the allocation of total project delay to above delay types provides more clear delay liability identification. Furthermore, for a contractor, to allocate all delays into these delay types improves its ability to get possible delayed-related expenditure back although the situations for compensable/non-compensable depend primarily on the terms of the contract (Trauner et al. , 2009). It is beneficial to a contractor to distinguish compensable and non-compensable delays. Namely, a perfect delay analysis method is targeted to identify these delay types accurately.To provide an alternative delay analysis method for resolving concurrent delays and liability distribution problems and for overcoming the time-consuming drawback of analyzing delays in a day-by-day manner, this study proposes a novel windows-based delay analysis method, called the effect-based delay analysis method (EDAM), which is a systematic analysis metho d that considers the impact of delays on the critical path(s) of a project. 2. Available windows-based delay analysis methods Several windows-based delay analysis methods have been developed in the past two decades.All windows-based delay analysis methods can be divided into two categories: (1) performing delay analysis starting backward from an as-built schedule and (2) performing delay analysis starting forward from an as-planned schedule. The popular methods in the category of starting forward from an as-planned schedule include the windows analysis method (called traditional windows analysis (TWA) hereinafter), the modified windows analysis (MWA) method, the delay analysis method using delay section (DAMUDS) method and the daily windows delay analysis (DWDA) method.The TWA method performs delay analysis using extracted schedule windows, rather than by analyzing delay events in a one-by-one manner forward from the as-planned schedule or backward from the as-built schedule. The MW A method improves analytical processes by the TWA method and uses algorithms to calculate delay liability. The DAMUDS method tries to overcome two limitations in existing methods, namely inadequate accounting of concurrent delays and inadequate accounting of time-shortened activities.The DWDA method calculates clear delay liabilities to the contractor and owner based on day-by-day delay analysis of critical path(s) along the project duration. Kao and Yang (2009) compared the above four windowsbased delay analysis methods using an illustrative case. They determined that the four methods are dynamic delay analysis methods that perform real-time critical path analysis. The TWA and MWA methods are less reliable than the DAMUDS and DWDA methods, since they may lose essential information when the analysis period is long and may be unable to detect critical path changes.The DWDA method analyzes delay information in a day-by-day manner that is the same as as-built situations, but requires c onsiderable effort during analysis. The DAMUDS method is more efficient than the DWDA method even though both yield the same analysis results. Detailed compared information can be found elsewhere (Kao and Yang, 2009). Other windows-based methods belonging to the category of starting backward from an as-built schedule, such as the isolated collapsed but-for delay analysis method (Yang and Yin, 2009), have been developed for facilitating delay analysis problems by similar approaches.However, these methods perform delay analysis moving backward from an as-built schedule, not forward from an as-planned schedule. The approaches of using as-planned schedule or as-built schedule may derive different final analytical results. This study does not compare the results by the methods belonging to the category of starting backward from an as-built schedule to those by the developed EDAM method. 3. Problems in windows-based delay analysis methods 3. 1. Unable to identify critical path changes In general, whether an activity is on a critical path is an important signal when identifying its delay impact on total project duration.During the construction phase of a construction project, many situations e. g. , change order, activity appending or deleting by different site conditions, and critical path changes, affect the outcome of delay analysis. In J. -B. Yang, C. -K. Kao / International Journal of Project Management 30 (2012) 385–397 387 considering delay information only for those activities on the critical path(s) in the as-planned schedule, existing windowsbased delay analysis methods may ignore essential delay information from activities during critical path changes. 3. 2.Incapable of dealing with complicated delay situations An ideal delay analysis method should calculate delay information quickly, accurately and stably. Some windowsbased delay analysis methods perform delay analysis based on arbitrarily extracted windows, while others deal with limited delay sit uations. As construction projects become increasingly complex, proper delay analysis methods should deal with complicated delay situations (i. e. , concurrent delays, project acceleration and compression). Approaches for window extraction by the some mentioned windows-based delay analysis methods cannot effectively deal with complex delay situations. . 3. Inefficient delay analysis Windows-based delay analysis methods perform analysis using extracted windows. The times of delay analysis for different methods vary. The rule by the TWA and MWA methods is to select timing subjectively. Conversely, the DAMUDS and DWDA methods select analysis windows objectively. For a complicated delay case, the TWA and MWA methods might obtain wrong results when using inadequate windows; thus the DAMUDS and DWDA methods may waste considerable calculation effort due to numerous windows in a complex project with long duration.How to intelligently select analysis windows for available windowsbased delay a nalysis methods puzzles a delay analyst. 3. 4. Unclear liability allocation Available windows-based delay analysis methods can identify concurrent delays, but cannot clearly allocate delay liability. For example, the DAMUDS method uses the concept of contractor's float to represent the effects of a contractor on schedule management. Although the DAMUDS method can identify concurrent delays based on a contractor's perspective, it does not provide a clear liability allocation approach. 4.Methodology development 4. 1. Innovative concept To provide an alternative method for dealing with problems in existing windows-based delay analysis methods, this study proposes a novel windows-based delay analysis method, the EDAM method, which is a systematic analysis method based on existing windows-based delay analysis methods. The EDAM method performs delay analysis using extracted windows and determines delay impacts by considering the effects of delays on the critical path. Although the analyti cal processes of the EDAM method are similar to those in other method, the EDAM ethod solves the problems mentioned previously. The EDAM method consists of analytical procedures with baseline schedule development and algorithms for liability identification and calculation. 4. 2. Analytical procedures Fig. 1 shows the analytical processes in the EDAM method. The EDAM method uses an as-planned schedule as a basis for delay analysis, and requires clearly identified delay attributes (delay start, finish and liability) for delay liability calculation. Before delay impact calculation, the EDAM method applies the critical path method to determine a comparison baseline.Based on this comparison baseline, the EDAM method performs schedule analysis by considering two situations: with and without a delay in an analyzed period. If no delay occurred in an analyzed period, the EDAM method considers whether the performance of project acceleration exists. If a delay is identified in an analyzed peri od, a day-by-day delay analysis is executed to calculate the impact of a delay when the delay is on a critical path. In delay impact calculation, the concurrent delay is detected and its liability is then assigned to contract parties.Similar to the other windows-based methods, the EDAM method performs delay analysis using two viewpoints, namely, those of owner and contractor. Therefore, the EDAM method allocates delay liability for each contract party and collects the performance of project acceleration by the contractor for each analyzed period. The EDAM method performs schedule analysis until all analysis periods are complete. 4. 3. Baseline schedule development approach A baseline for delay impact calculation is determined using the following four approaches which determine the duration, start date, and finish date for each activity. Completed activity. The start and finish dates for completed activities are assigned based on actual start and finish dates in which delay informati on is embedded. †¢ Started-without-delay activity. For un-delayed started activities, start dates are assigned based on actual start dates; finish dates are determined based on actual start dates plus consumed activity duration with remaining duration (asplanned duration minus consumed duration). †¢ Started-with-delay activity.For those delayed but started activities, start dates are assigned based on actual start dates; finish dates are determined using actual start dates plus the consumed activity duration, delayed duration and remaining duration. †¢ Un-started activity. For activities not yet started, their start and finish dates are determined by their predecessors by considering predetermined logic relationships with the asplanned duration. 4. 4. Approach for determining analysis timing For solving the limitations of existing windows-based delay analysis methods in window determination depicted in 388 J. -B. Yang, C. -K.Kao / International Journal of Project Mana gement 30 (2012) 385–397 Preparing the as-planned schedule Identifying delay attributes and determining analysis periods Updating schedule-related information Performing CPM calculation Analyzing the difference between updated and baseline schedules A period with out delay A period with delay Analyzing delay impact day-by-day Identifying the number of critical activity No shortening performance NO Project schedule shortening? YES Calculating the performance of schedule shortening NO Concurrent delay? YES Allocating liability of concurrent delay NO NO Delay on CP?YES Two or more delays? YES Cumulating schedule variance Identified delay impact Identified schedule shortening performance Calculating delay liability Final period? YES Summarizing analysis results NO Fig. 1. Delay analysis processes for EDAM. Section 3. 3, the proposed method has an approach to determine the timing for delay analysis. This approach considers the following two situations when determining analysis tim ing. †¢ No delay occurred. In this situation, the time frame without a delay event is designated as a single analysis period. Therefore, all activities have actual durations that are the ame as planned durations. Moreover, if an activity's duration is shorter than the planned duration, the performance of project acceleration is considered. †¢ Delay occurred. To accurately calculate delay effects on a construction project, the minimum time frame, i. e. , a day or a week depending on the contract, should be considered. J. -B. Yang, C. -K. Kao / International Journal of Project Management 30 (2012) 385–397 389 4. 5. Algorithms for liability identification and calculation The EDAM method calculates projected project total duration (Duribase) using Eq. 1) among each analysis period, in which Duriact1 is the actual consumed duration of the previous ? analysis period; Duriremained is the remaining duration for all unfinished activities considering logic relationships in th e asplanned schedule. Moreover, the EDAM method uses Eqs. (2) and (3) to determine the impacted project duration while considering the liabilities for the owner (Duriown ) and contractor (Duricon). In those two equations, anticipated total project duration (Duribase) is calculated by Eq. (1); DuriNE, DuriENand DuriEC represent the impact from an NE delay, an EN delay and an EC delay, respectively.Based on calculation results by Eqs. (2) and (3), the extended duration considering the liabilities of the owner and contractor are determined. Therefore, in each delay analysis period, delay liability for the owner (Dutyiown ) and contractor (Dutyicon) is calculated using an apportioned duration minus the original anticipated project completion duration, as in Eqs. (4) and (5). After determining the delay liability in each analysis period, the EDAM method summarizes project delay liability for each contract party (Duty ownfor the owner and Duty con for the contractor) from all analyzed per iods using Eqs. 6) and (7). act Duribase = Duri? 1 + Duriremained first condition is that only one delay event occurred in a time frame; the second condition is two or more delay events occurred concurrently. In the first condition, an activity with zero or negative remaining total float is responsible for the project delay; otherwise, the analyzed activity only consumes its usable float. In the second condition, if multiple delays occurred in an analyzed time frame, a further consideration for allocating delay liability is required. Thus, the EDAM method uses Eqs. 9) and (10) to allocate liability for a concurrent delay. The approach of allocating delay liability uses the ratio of a concurrent delay's delay value to the total delay values on the critical path. Although the calculation results may be some whole days with a decimal, considering the right ratio of delay liability on the critical path, the proposed method does not round up the analytical results. PSTjcon = Durjplanned ? Durjact ? TFjremained 0 CDown = ? i=1 n ?8? 1 DuriCP ? j=1 m A n B A CDEN + CDEC = ? BDuriEN ? i i @ i=1 DurjCP C C A ?9? ?1? ?2? ?3? ?4? ?5? 0 n B + ? BDuriEC ? i=1 1 DuriCP C C m A ? DurjCP j=1 A A Duriown = Duribase + DuriEN + DuriEC Duricon = Duribase + DuriNE Dutyown i Duriown ? Duribase 0 n n B CDcon = ? CDNE = ? BDuriNE ? i @ i=1 i=1 m 1 DuriCP C C: A ? DurjCP ? 10? = j=1 Dutycon = Duricon ? Duribase i n Dutyown = ? Dutyown i i=1 ?6? Dutycon = ? Dutycon i i=1 n ?7? For the apportionment of concurrent delay liability, several studies (Kraiem and Diekmann, 1987; Arditi and Robinson, 1995) have proposed varied rules. Ibbs et al. (2010) proposed that a recent trend in concurrent delays is to advocate an equitable apportionment (i. e. eaning apportionment of days and/or dollars). This fair apportionment has been described as â€Å"fail rule† or â€Å"comparative negligence† (Ibbs et al. , 2010). The proposed method for apportionment of concurrent delays supports th e fail apportionment. 5. Hypothetical Case Study Hypothetical case studies have been widely used for similar studies in literature (i. e. , Hegazy and Zhang, 2005; de la Garza et al. , 2007; Sakka and El-Sayegh, 2007; Nguyen and Ibbs, 2008; Ibbs et al. , 2010), therefore, this study uses hypothetical projects to demonstrate the capabilities of proposed EDAM method.Furthermore, for comparing the results by other windows-based methods and the proposed method, a hypothetical case used in literature is examined in this study. In addition to considering the impacts of delay events, the EDAM method uses Eq. (8) to determine the performance of project acceleration by a contractor in an analyzed period when no delay exists and the value calculated by Eq. (5) is negative. In Eq. (8), TFjremained is the remaining total float for the analyzed activity. As projects are typically managed by a contractor not an owner, the EDAM method does not calculate the project acceleration performance from an owner.To determine the effect of delay event(s) on total project duration, two conditions must be considered independently. The 390 J. -B. Yang, C. -K. Kao / International Journal of Project Management 30 (2012) 385–397 Table 1 Information of as-planned and as-built schedules for test case. Act. As-planned information Duration (day) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 7 5 7 9 6 4 3 9 5 3 Predecessor Start day 1 1 8 6 6 15 15 12 19 21 Finish day 7 5 14 14 11 18 17 20 23 23 As-built information Duration (day) 11 10 12 9 15 6 5 11 12 5 Actual start day 1 1 12 11 11 24 20 26 30 37 Actual finish day 11 10 23 19 25 29 24 36 41 41 5. 1.Case description This study applies the EDAM method and four other windows-based methods to a modified test case (Fig. 2), originally developed by Kraiem and Diekmann (1987) and examined by Alkass et al. (1996) and Kao and Yang (2009). This test case has ten activities and an original total duration of 23 days. Based on critical path calculation, the test case has two critical paths, namely the paths of activities 1 > 3 > 6 > 9 and 2 > 5 > 8 > 10. The project was finally completed in 41 days, with 18 days of delays. Table 1 shows the planned and actual activity information for duration, start date, finish date and logical relationships.Table 2 shows delay events, classified as NE, EN and EC delays affecting all activities. To explain the effects of all delay events on each activity, the as-planned and as-built schedules are organized as Fig. 3 and adopted for delay analysis. 5. 2. Summary analytical procedures According to the processes shown in Fig. 1, this study performed delay analysis for the test case. For each delay analysis scenario in Fig. 4, Eqs. (1) to (3) are used to determine anticipated project duration, the impacted duration considering one delay caused by the owner or contractor, respectively.Consequently, the EDAM method employs Eqs. (4) and (5) to calculate the delay liability allocated to the owner or contractor, respectivel y. While all 34 delay periods were complete, Eqs. (6) and (7) are used to summarize all delay liability allocated to the owner or contractor, respectively. 5. 3. Final results Based on the test case consisting of original as-planned and as-built schedules, delay events and related responsibilities, delay analysis was performed using the EDAM method and four other windows-based methods, i. e. the TWA/MWA, DAMDUS and DWDA methods.Table 3 lists identification results for different delays, and the timings of the critical path changes. Table 4 summarizes analysis results. Compared to actual delay information (Tables 3 and 4), the DAMUDS, DWDA and EDAM methods accurately calculated the values for the NE, EN, EC and concurrent delays. The TWA and MWA methods do not calculate the concurrent delay, and calculate the NE delay incorrectly. The information for NE, EN and EC shown in 0 0 0 0 0 Start 0 0 0 0 0 7 1 0 5 2 0 7 7 5 5 7 7 5 11 5 5 7 3 0 9 4 6 6 5 0 14 14 14 20 11 11 – – 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 8Tables 2, 3 and 4 confirms that the proposed method can accurately identify those delay information that DAMUDS, DWDA and EDAM methods do. In addition to its calculation accuracy, the EDAM method identifies right critical path changes and has adequate analysis scenarios to perform delay analysis efficiently. That is, the EDAM method yields an accurate calculation result with economic analysis times. 6. Discussion 6. 1. Efficiency for delay analysis To compare the efficiency of the EDAM method to that of the other four windows-based methods, all studied methods use the same test case. Fig. shows the analysis periods used by all methods. The TWA and MWA methods employed the start and finish dates of key delay events as the timing for extracting analysis periods; the DAMUDS method determined the timings of delay sections from the start, change and finish dates of any delay event, while the DWDA method analyzed delays on a day-by-day basis. Detailed parameters for the fou r methods can be found elsewhere (Kao and Yang, 2009). Notably, the current state of the art in delay analysis through discussed methods is performing delay analyses by the schedule analysts manually, because only a few of methods are computerized.Therefore, this study concerns the efficiency of studied methods by the number of analysis times (analysis runs), rather than the computing times (total duration). 14 14 14 20 11 11 4 6 0 3 7 6 9 8 0 18 18 17 23 20 20 20 20 3 10 0 23 23 18 18 5 9 0 23 23 23 23 ES LS 0 End 0 Duration Activity TF 23 23 EF LF Legend Fig. 2. Precedence diagram for test case. J. -B. Yang, C. -K. Kao / International Journal of Project Management 30 (2012) 385–397 Table 2 Delay information for test case. Act.NE delay Duration (day) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Sum 3 1 3 – 1 – 1 – 3 – 12 Start day 1 3 12 – 13 – 22 – 32 – – Finish day 3 3 14 – 13 – 22 – 34 – – EN delay Duration (day) 1 3 – – 5 – – 1 2 2 14 Start day 7 4 – – 19 – – 30 35 37 – Finish day 7 6 – – 23 – – 30 36 38 – EC delay Duration (day) – 1 2 – 3 2 1 1 2 – 12 Start day – 7 15 – 14 24 23 33 39 – – Finish day – 7 16 – 16 25 23 33 40 – – 391 Total delay 4 5 5 – 9 2 2 2 7 2 38 Based on the analysis periods shown in Fig. 4 and Table 4, the number of analysis times for the TWA/MWA, DAMUDS, DWDA and EDAM methods are 17, 20, 41 and 34, respectively.Notably, one analysis time means to perform one analysis scenario. The DWDA and EDAM methods have the same accuracy level; however, the EDAM method is more efficient than the DWDA method. In the test case, the EDAM method saves 17% in the number of analysis times than the DWDA method. For complicated construction projects the number of activity and the complexity of d elay events are increased, the numbers of analysis times by those methods are increased consequently; therefore, the EDAM method is a more efficient calculation approach than four other windows-based methods. 6. 2.Ability to identify critical path changes Delay claim in the construction industry usually considers delays on the critical path(s); therefore, identifying critical path changes is essential for allocating delay liability. The as-built schedule in Fig. 3 shows real situations of critical path changes while delays appear on the critical paths. Table 3 shows the real timing of critical path changes and the analysis results from different delay analysis methods. In summary, eight critical path changes occurred in the test case. The DWDA and EDAM methods correctly reflected the real situations.Furthermore, the EDAM method calculated the delay impacts on total project duration by only considering the delay on the critical path correctly. Detailed information concerning liabilit y allocation is discussed in Section 6. 4. 6. 3. Ability to deal with concurrent delays and project acceleration To identify the appearances of a concurrent delay and project acceleration, the EDAM method uses a minimum cycle time, one day, as its analysis period. For example, one concurrent delay (one day) appears on day 14 in the test case. The EDAM method accurately identifies this concurrent delay shown in Table 3.If the analysis period exceeds the duration of the concurrent delay, the concurrent delay would not be detected. Notably, in an as-built schedule, the situations of project delay and project acceleration do not occur concurrently. Project acceleration means shortening the duration of activity on original critical path(s), by which a project is completed earlier than planned completion date. While the duration of critical-path activities is shortened, two situations occur. One is the shortened activity is still on critical path; the other is the activity is changed from a critical activity into a no-critical activity.The former one does not cause different analysis result. The latter one might result in different results and is discussed in this study. In Fig. 5, the test case with five activities has one critical path, namely the path of activities 2 > 4 > 5. Finally, this case was completed in 14 days with three days acceleration. In the as-built schedule (the bottom part in Fig. 5), it is clear that, activity 2 shortened one day and activity 4 shortened three days. Fig. 5 shows the complete analyses, in which five analytical scenarios were performed. Notably, according to the algorithm shown in Eq. 8), the performance of project acceleration is caused by activity 2 with 1 day (5-4-0) and activity 4 with 2 days (9-6-1), which are calculated during analytical scenario 1 (day 1–4) and 3 (day 8–10), respectively. 6. 4. Liability allocation approach The EDAM method has an approach that allocates delay liability based on the ratio of an analyzed concurrent delay event to the total delay values on the critical path. As the information shown in Table 4, the DAMUDS and DWDA methods can identify concurrent delays, but cannot clearly allocate delay liability.Those two methods provide the same concurrent delay value of 1 day, that is, the analysis period. In the test case, one concurrent delay appears on day 14, in which activity 3 encounters an NE delay while activity 5 has an EC delay. According the allocation approach (described by Eqs. (9) and (10)), the duration of activities 3 and 5 should be calculated. Notably, the duration of an activity on the critical path just considers the conditions up to the analysis period. Therefore, 392 NO. Duration 1 7 3 7 6 4 9 5 2 5 4 9 5 6 7 3 8 9 10 3 Path 1( 1 3 6 9) Path 2( 2 4 7) Path 3( 2 5 8 10) Critical Path NO. 1 3 6 9 2 4 5 7 8 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 As-planned shedule 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 J. -B. Yan g, C. -K. Kao / International Journal of Project Management 30 (2012) 385–397 CP 1 CP 2 Act. Dur. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 11 NE NE NE EN 12 6 12 10 NE EN EN EN EC 9 15 5 11 5 Note delay project completion Path 1( 1 3 6 9) Path 2( 2 4 7) Path 3( 2 5 8 10) 9 As-built schedule 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 concurrent delay NE NE NE EC EC EC EC NE NE NE EN EN EC EC NE EC EC EC EN EN EN EN EN NE EC EN EC EN ENFig. 3. As-planned and as-built schedule with delay liability. J. -B. Yang, C. -K. Kao / International Journal of Project Management 30 (2012) 385–397 EDAM Analysis TWA/MWA Period DAMUDS DWDA NO. Duration 1 11 3 12 6 6 9 12 2 10 4 9 5 15 7 5 8 11 10 5 Path 1( 1 3 6 9) Path 2( 2 4 7) Path 3( 2 5 8 10) 1 2 1 3 4 1 2 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 NE NE NE 5 2 3 5 5 6 7 3 4 6 7 8 6 7 8 EN 22 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 7 8 9 10 11 12 6 13 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2 9 30 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 NE NE NE EC EC EC EC 4 5 24 12 14 31 31 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 13 14 15 16 17 17 18 19 20 15 16 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 NE NE NE EN EN NE EN EN EN EC NE EC EC EC EN EN EN EN EN NE EC EN EC EN EN EC EC Fig. 4. Analysis period partition by EDAM and other methods. 393 394 J. -B. Yang, C. -K. Kao / International Journal of Project Management 30 (2012) 385–397 Table 3 Analysis results by EDAM and other windows-based methods.Type NE delay S/N 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Timing in day 1 2 3 12 13 4 6 19 20 21 22 23 30 37 38 7 15 16 33 14 1 2 3 5 6 12 14 19 21 23 36 37 38 40 Actually occurred Y Y Y N Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y Y Y N Y N N Y Y N Y Total 4 EDAM Y Y Y N Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y Y Y N Y N N Y Y N Y TWA/MWA Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N Y N Y N Y N N Y Y N Y Y DAMUDS Y Y Y N Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y N N Y Y N N Y N Y N Y Y DWDA Y Y Y N Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y Y Y N Y N N Y Y N YEN delay 9 EC delay 4 Concurrent delay Critical path change 1 8 activity 3 takes 3 days on the critical path while activity 5 takes 4 days on the critical path. The values of delay liabilities for activity 3 (NE delay, attributed to the contractor) and activity 5 3 (EC delay, attributed to the owner) are 0. 43 (1 ? 3 + 4 = 0:43) 4 and 0. 57 (1 ? 3 + 4 = 0:43), respectively. Notably, the analytical result is a decimal fraction day because only one-day concurrent delay exists in the test case.In the situation where the NE delay to activity 3 and the EC delay to activity 5 on day 14 were extended to ten days, respectively. Namely, the duration for the concurrent delay is from 1 day changed to 10 days due to the NE delay to activity 3 and the EC delay to activity 5 has been extended to 12 days, respectively. Based on the proposed approach, the values of delay liabilities for activity 3 (NE delay) and activity 5 (EC delay) are 4. 8 (10 ? 2 12 13 = 4:8) and 5. 2 (10 ? 12 13 13 = 5:2), respectively. + + In practice, schedule delays or time extension claims usually result in cost reimbursement or liquidated damage calculations, the analytical results can service as an accurate tool in such calculations. The analytical results based on the proposed transparent calculation approach will provide a better alternative than conventional method that usually employs a half-and-half approach. 6. 5.Comparison to other windows-based delay analysis methods Based on above discussions and the information shown in Table 4, this study summarizes the differences between the proposed method and the discussed windows-based delay analysis methods, organized as follows. Table 4 Analysis results by EDAM and other windows-based methods. Attributes NE delay (in day) EN delay (in day) EC delay (in day) Concurrent delay (in day) Critical path change (in times) Analysis period (in times) Actual EDAM 4 9 4 1 8 TWA/ DAMUDS DWDA MWA 4 9 4 1 7 20 4 9 4 1 8 41 4 5 9 9 4 4 1 (0. 3 for NE; 0 0. 57 for EC) 8 7 34 17 J. -B. Yang, C. -K. Kao / International Journal of Project Management 30 (2012) 385–397 As-Planned schedule Act. No. Duration TF 1 7 3 7 1 2 5 0 4 7 0 5 3 0 Path 1( 1 3) Path 2( 2 4 5) Analysis Period: day 1- 4 Act. No. Duration TF 1 7 2 3 7 2 2 4 0 4 9 0 5 3 0 Path 1( 1 3) Path 2( 2 4 5) Analysis Period: day 5-7 Act. No. Duration TF 1 7 2 3 7 2 2 4 4 9 0 5 3 0 Path 1( 1 3) Path 2( 2 4 5) Analysis Period: day 8-10 Act. No. Duration TF 1 7 3 7 0 2 4 4 6 1 5 3 1 Path 1( 1 3) Path 2( 2 4 5) Analysis Period: day 1-13 Act. No. Duration TF 1 7 3 7 0 2 4 4 6 5 3 1 Path 1( 1 3) Path 2( 2 4 5) Analysis Period: day 14 Act. No. Duration TF 1 7 3 7 0 2 4 4 6 5 3 Path 1( 1 3) Path 2( 2 4 5) 395 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Critical path NW1 1 2 3 4 5 6 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 One day is shortened f or project duration One day is shortened for Activity 2 7 8 9 Critical path 1 2 3 4 5 NW2 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 One day is shortened for project duration One day is shortened for Activity 2Critical path 1 2 3 4 5 6 NW3 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Three days are shortened for project duration One day is shortened for Activity 2 7 8 Three days are shortened for Activity 4 Critical path NW4 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Three days are shortened for project duration Three days are shortened for Activity 4 Critical path NW5 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Three days are shortened for project duration One day is shortened for Activity 2 7 8 9 Three days are shortened for Activity 4 Critical path 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 One day is shortened for Activity 2 2 3 4 5 6 Fig. 5. Project acceleration detected by EDAM. †¢ Comparing to the TWA/MWA method, the EDAM method can deal with the EC, EN, NE and concurrent delays more accurate. †¢ Co mparing to the TWA/MWA and DAMUSD methods, the EDAM method can perform delay analysis considering critical path changes more correct. †¢ Comparing to the DWDA method, the EDAM method can perform delay analysis more efficient. †¢ Comparing to the TWA/MWA, DAMUSD and DWDA methods, the EDAM method can allocate delay liability more accurate, and provide a function of detecting project acceleration. 396 J. -B.Yang, C. -K. Kao / International Journal of Project Management 30 (2012) 385–397 6. 6. Advantages and limitations This study proposes a novel delay analysis method for resolving the problems associated with existing windows-based delay analysis methods. The EDAM method has the following advantages compared to existing windows-based delay analysis methods. †¢ It has a systematic window extraction method for performing delay analysis stably and efficiently. †¢ It adopts a process-based analysis approach to identify critical path changes, concurrent delays an d project acceleration. It develops a clear liability distribution approach for apportioning concurrent delays. Although the EDAM method has been tested using hypothetical cases, some limitations exist in applying to solve schedule delay problems in construction projects. The limitations are organized as follows. †¢ The classification of EC, EN, NE and concurrent delays must be identified before employing the developed EDAM method. †¢ The EDAM method does not discuss float ownership. That is, the one uses the float first who owns the ownership. †¢ Construction projects usually encounter complex delay situations.This study just examines the capabilities of the EDAM method using two hypothetical cases that simulate the identified problems. Therefore, the EDAM method might be unable to resolve the complex delay situations that are not identified in this study. 7. Conclusions While schedule delays occur frequently during construction projects, identifying the liability of contract parties accurately has received considerable attention. Although many methods have been developed for analyzing and measuring construction schedule delays, no one method is acceptable for all project participants and suitable for all delay situations.An ideal delay analysis method must calculate delay information stably, accurately and efficiently. Some existing windows-based delay analysis methods perform delay analysis based on an arbitrary window extraction; some deal with limited delay situations. This study presents the EDAM method, a novel delay analysis method that has a systematic window extraction method for performing delay analysis stably, and adopts a process-based analysis approach to resolve concurrent delays and liability distribution problems accurately. Additionally, the EDAM method performs delay analysis efficiently in a test case.The EDAM method is a good alternative for resolving analysis problems associated with schedule delays in construction project s. The construction industry requires continual improvements to delay analysis methodology due to industry complexity. Based on research results, this study provides following suggestions for further study. †¢ Evaluating the performance of the existing windows-based methods (including the EDAM method) for diverse and real cases can improve the acceptance of all windows-based methods in the construction industry.However, illustrative cases, covering all delay situations or real delay cases are hard to retrieve because the cases in the court have limited and simplified information, and information from the arbitration cases is not disclosed. How to develop a protocol for collecting such cases is essential for further development and evaluation. †¢ Most available delay analysis methods are not implemented in popular project management systems (such as Microsoft Project and Oracle Primavera P6) or supported by those systems, thus posing a barrier to apply these methods for sol ving real delay problems.Although capable of providing a basic function for delay analysis, a few systems only perform simple schedule comparisons. For example, the Claim Digger function embedded in Oracle Primavera P6 can be used monthly to compare different schedule variances in start date, finish date and activity duration. According to the systematic approach provided by this research, developing easy-to-use systems embedded in, based on or supported by available commercial project management systems will enhance the application of delay analysis methods. The methods for delay analysis can be divided into four categories: forecasting, real-time, after-delay-occurred and after-project-completion (Arditi and Pattanakitchamroon, 2006). Most of methods belong to the after-projectcompletion category; by those methods some essential documents and evidences may be lost. Developing a method that belongs to forecasting or real-time category can resolve this problem. Furthermore, systems dynamics approach has been recognized and proven to be helpful for dispute resolution (Weil and Rayford, 1990; Cooper and Lee, 2009).It would be another good alternative method for schedule delay analysis for construction projects. †¢ The proposed method for allocating delay liability provides a better alternative with transparent calculation approach than conventional method that usually employs a half-and-half approach. However, if construction contracts have a clear delay liability allocation clause that employ the proposed method or conventional half-and-half approach, the dispute for delay liability allocation will be diminished.How to draft a suitable clause that provides a clear delay liability allocation approach and fair rights and obligations in a contract can be studied carefully. Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank the National Science Council, Taiwan, ROC, for financially supporting this research under Contract No. NSC96-2221-E-216-027-MY2. The authors are also thankful to the reviewers for their valuable suggestions and comments. J. -B. Yang, C. -K. Kao / International Journal of Project Management 30 (2012) 385–397 397 References Alkass, S. , Mazerolle, M. , Harris, F. , 1996. Construction delay analysis techniques.Construction Management and Economics. 14 (5), 375–394. Arditi, D. , Pattanakitchamroon, T. , 2006. 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Thursday, January 2, 2020

Red Bull Energy Drink - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 5 Words: 1467 Downloads: 5 Date added: 2017/09/22 Category Advertising Essay Type Argumentative essay Tags: Energy Essay Did you like this example? Redbull Energy Drink Presentation Transcript 1. It Gives You Wiings 2. Contents * Executive Summary * SWOT Analysis * Promotion Opportunity Analysis * Corporate Strategies * Integrated Marketing Communications Management * Media Plan * Evaluation Control 3. Executive Summary * Red Bull can be called as a pioneer in the energy drink category worldwide. In India too, Red Bull was the brand that created the energy drink category. * The brand came into existence in 1984. * The brand came to India in 2003. Although the brand has been keeping a low profile compared to the Cola majors , Red Bull has created a category of energy drinks in the Indian market. 4. Contd. * According to Economic Times ( 30. 05. 08) the energy drink market in India is estimated to be around 100 crores. * The market now has two main players Red Bull and Power Horse. * RB has an assessed market share of 29% of the global market of energy Drinks. * In the U. S. , Red Bull enjoys a 47% share of the energy drink market, and now has a 50% share of the German energy drink market. . SWOT Analysis * Market leadership- Within the energy drinks market Red Bull is the industry leader throughout the world. Marketing Efforts- a lot of promotions and well targeted campaigns and sponsorship e. g. formula 1 helps to expand Red bull brand and increase consumer brand awareness. * Strong , fresh fashionable brand identity. * Strengths 6. Weaknesses * Above-average prices. * Lack of innovation- there are a lot of competitors in the market and they have their own USP which leaves Red Bull behind. Reliant on small product base- The company only markets one branded product, Red Bull Energy Drink (along with a sugar free variety). * Inexperience: is only 6 years old in India. * Lack of patent on RB ‘s recipe means anyone can copy it. 7. Opportunities * Extension of product line- this will help to retain market share. * Hardcore Advertising and Promotions. * Consumer recognition through sponsorshi p of sports events. * New ventures like partnership with Facebook. 8. Threats * Health concerns- tougher rules from government on high caffeine content. Consumer awareness of health and well being- people may start to drink other alternatives as it is associated with healthier life style. * Drinks might not be accepted in the new markets. * Organic energy drinks might steal RB’s market share. 9. Promotion Opportunity Analysis * Competitive Analysis * Opportunity Analysis * Target Market Analysis * Customer Analysis * Market Segmentation Strategy 10. Competitive Analysis 11. Share of Energy Drink Market Red Bull 42. 6 Monster 14. 4 Rockstar 11. 4 Full Throttle 6. 9 Sobe No Fear 5. 4 Amp 3. Sobe Adrenaline Rush 2. 9 Tab Energy 2. 3 Monster XXL 0. 9 Private Label 0. 9 Rip It 0. 8 Sobe Lean 0. 7 BooKoo 0. 5 Sobe Superman 0. 4 Von Dutch 0. 4 12. Real Competition * Redbull’s real competitors are the market leaders of cola companies such as : Pepsi Coca Cola, who have create d their brand leadership since several years in the Indian market. 13. Opportunity Analysis * RB has a niche market is yet to percolate in the mass market. 14. Target Market Analysis * Core target market segments for RB consists of the core age group of 15 to 60. Energy drinks with high sugar levels are more popular among children and women, while energy drinks with strong taste and flavor are more preferred by male consumers. * Recent studies also indicated that 65% of the energy drinks market consists of male consumers. 15. Customer Analysis * Young people are especially open to determined exhaustion and insufficient energy. * More specifically male teenagers people in their 20s, are also most likely to believe in the authenticity of the energy drinks’. * As a result, the majority of energy drinks are developed for and advertised to this younger generation. Appeal to very specialized groups, such as gamers, extreme sports enthusiasts, and the hip-hop crowd. 16. Target Con sumer Demographics Psychographics Usage Behavior Consumption collection Age: 15- 60 Content Image Conscious Influenced Spending Power Youth trends Physically Active Eat Out 25% of Indians 17. Market Segmentation Strategy * RedBull avoided usual methods of marketing, relying more on what is called buzz marketing or word-of-mouth. * Red Bull advertised directly to Generation Y , the so-called millennial: people born after 1981. ‘ Student brand managers who would be used to promote Red Bull on university campuses. These students would be encouraged to throw parties at which cases of Red Bull would be distributed. 18. Corporate Strategies * Mission Statement * Our mission is to be the premier marketer and supplier of * RedBull in Asia, Europe and other parts of the globe. We will * achieve this mission by building long-term relationships with the * people who can make it become a reality. * Vision Statement: * People: Be a great place to work where people are inspired to be the be st they can be. Portfolio: Bring to the world a portfolio of quality beverage that anticipate and satisfy peoples desires and needs. * Partners: Nurture a winning network of customers and suppliers, together we create mutual, enduring value. * Profit: Maximize long-term return to shareowners while being mindful of our overall responsibilities. * Productivity: Be a highly effective, lean and fast-moving organization. 19. Brand Development Strategy * Great Strategy Begins with Great Research. * Once the brand’s core values have been identified, the road towards effective brand proposition development begins. Development of the brand statement- commencing a Brand development strategy. 20. 21. Brand Positioning Strategy * Clear, Engaging, Unique, Relevant to the target audience. * Able to incorporate an element of positive emotional attachment that is better than just quot;good†. * Echoed within business, internally and externally. * Consistent across multiple marketing a dvertising mediums (print, online presence, etc). * Continually toughened within the organization so that employees consistently deliver what is promised. *    Able to adapt to a changing marketplace. 22. Distribution Strategy Intensive distribution aims to provide saturation coverage of the market by using all available outlets such as: * Super markets, * Gyms, * Coffee Houses: Subway, Barista, Costa Coffee, Cafe Coffee Day * In n Out Convenience Stores. * Pizza Outlets. * Media Relations * Use Technology * Monitor the Web * Create Public Awareness 23. Integrated Marketing Communications Management * Sales Promotion: * Must encourage the 1 st purchase of the product in a store. * Make them aware of the product its advantages. 24. IMC Objectives * RedBull’s IMC objective is: Sales Promotions. Create new target markets. * Large display in the Departmental stores. * Bull Hoof stickers on the floors of departmental stores promoting RB. 25. IMC Budget 26. Internet Web site * P romotions through social networking sites such as: facebook, twitter, Hi5. * Also, Ad promos on websites such as NDTV, zoom India. 27. Media * Ad Campaigns on Prime TV channels such as NDTV good times, MTV, Channel V, Zoom, VH1, Star World a few more. 28. Budget * Magazine: * Femina, People, Rolling Stones. * 15k per page * 12 mnths- 180,000 * Newspapers: * HT City Delhi Times 1lac per page * 4 weeks * 12 mnths- 4800000 * Radio: * 10k per mnth * 12 – 120000 * TV: * 5 lacs * 4 weeks * 12 2400000 * Total Expense: 31,80,000 29. 30. Integrated Marketing Communication Methodologies * How do we communicate? How do customers process information? * There are many models theories. * Thorough understanding of the audiences needs, emotions ; * activities is essential to ensure accuracy ; relevance of the * message. 31. Advertising * What target market do you want to reach? * What image do you want to portray? * What product or service do you want to emphasize? How much money can you spend? * When is the right time to advertise? * Red Bull has an aggressive marketing campaign. * Red Bull uses all the available media channels, meaning cinema, TV, radio, press and the internet. * In other words the company focuses on the media through which it reaches its primary target market-young people. * RB allows the consumers to interpret the product ; the moments of use themselves. * Red Bull achieves this by a humorous and witty cartoon campaign, transferring the message that this energy drink helps you to escape by `giving you wings ?. 2. Consumer Promotions * Red Bull sponsors the motorsports or fun sports, but always where Red Bull is needed. * Red Bull does event sponsoring. * Event sponsoring attracts people’s attention towards the product and connects them. 33. Personal Selling * Sampling is another very important part of the three pillar marketing system. * As the major purpose of Red Bull is to energize the company samples at the right place at the right t ime, where it finds its exact target market. * Examples of usage are driving, studying, working night shifts and sports. 4. 35. Media Plan * TV: * Still a staple medium of advertising. * Allows to demonstrate the advantages of RB. * Good Reach. * Magazines: * Economical. * Provides higher brand awareness. 36. Evaluation ; Control Metrics Campaign Element Metrics News Media No. of viewers of the articles Social Media No. of people using the Blogs such as Twitter, Facebook Internet ; TV No. of people viewing particularly when the Ad is being aired. Print Advertisement No. Of Subscribers of those magazines, Newspapers Product Placement No. f comments (+ or ) mentioned on social networking sites. 37. Timelines IMC/ Month Oct 09 Nov 09 Dec 09 Jan 10 Feb 10 Mar 10 Apr 10 May 10 RedBull on the Web Print Media Blogs Radio ; TV Other Misc. * DARE TO BE DISCOVERED!!! 38. 39. Sources * https://www. rediff. com/money/2006/may/24drink. htm * https://www. thestudentroom. co. uk/showthread. php? t=986602 * https://www. trcb. com/business/marketing/redbull-marketing-strategy-7375. htm * https://www. drawert. com/red_bull_2. php https://energydrinks. factexpert. com/882-energy-drink-industry. php Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Red Bull Energy Drink" essay for you Create order